Lifestyle Planning

It’s not all about the MONEY!

Planning for your new retirement life takes more than money. Your emotional capital plays a much bigger role in this new season of life than some folks realize. Having meaning and purpose may never have been more important than in this new phase of life.

Experience has shown us that most people entering retirement who have no purpose or direction are more likely to start developing health issues just 2 short years into retirement.

The image of our working career has been our identity or in fact a badge of honor in some respects. Once people step away from all of that interaction and comradery it creates a void that sometimes starts to take a toll on folks emotionally.

We help our clients navigate their way into this new season of life so that they can find a new purpose and meaning. We recently started “Retirement Tampa Bay Podcast” as a way to create an active, healthy and purpose driven community. If you know a person, business, or a group that would bring meaningful content to the Podcast we would love to hear from you.